Lilo & Stitch

Lilo & Stitch

A live-action reimagining of Disney’s 2002 animated classic, “Lilo & Stitch” is the wildly funny and touching story of a lonely Hawaiian girl and the fugitive alien who helps to mend her broken family. Directed by Dean Fleischer Camp, the Oscar®-nominated...
The Electric State

The Electric State

Set in the aftermath of a robot uprising in an alternate version of the ’90s, The Electric State follows an orphaned teenager who ventures across the American West with a cartoon-inspired robot, a smuggler, and his sidekick in search of her younger brother. The film...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Sonic the Hedgehog returns to the big screen this holiday season in his most thrilling adventure yet. Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails reunite against a powerful new adversary, Shadow, a mysterious villain with powers unlike anything they have faced before. With their...
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Season 2)

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Season 2)

In Season Two of The Rings of Power, Sauron has returned. Cast out by Galadriel, without army or ally, the rising Dark Lord must now rely on his own cunning to rebuild his strength and oversee the creation of the Rings of Power, which will allow him to bind all the...